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Why we value “Diversity”
The body of Christ is beautifully diverse, and our network should reflect that beauty in diversity. Here’s what we mean and how it takes shape among our churches and leaders.
Why value “Friendship”?
With all that is important in this world, why would a network value something as inefficient and difficult as friendship?
What is “Renewal-Driven Mission”?
The phrase “renewal-driven” conjures all sorts of images and ideas. But what does it means to Harbor Network? And how can we live as those who value renewal-driven mission?
What do we mean by “Conviction & Imagination”?
Why would Harbor Network value “Conviction & Imagination”? Why hold these two together? Better yet, how can you hold these two together?
What is “Wholehearted Leadership”?
We often define “wholehearted leadership” as bringing our transformed and transforming presence into our leadership. But what exactly does that look like? And where does it come from?
3 Essential Resources for the Worship Leader
When it comes to thinking through and writing liturgy, we can all get stuck. One of the graces of our modern age is that resources are everywhere and here are 3 of my favorite when thinking through planning a Sunday worship gathering.
Why the name “Harbor”?
A harbor is a sheltered body of water that provides a place of safety and supply for ships and their crews to prepare them to return to the open, much rougher water. This metaphor aptly describes who we are and what we do here in Harbor Network for our churches and, more specifically, for church leaders.